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The vision of the Sovereign Gathering is to offer experiences that honor & connect us to the wisdom of the Earth, awaken Sacred Sensuality & fully activate our Purpose. 

As we gather in person, we hold ceremony and celebration.  We dance, we cry, we heal, & we are forever reborn. We come out more whole & return into our lives in higher essence of who we are, in love, joy & trust that you have a tribe of women praying behind your back!

Imagine your life becoming a ceremony as you move with intention & grace, creatively express your soul essence while feeling abundantly supported and guided. Your life force energy becomes activated in a new way and you feel incredibly inspired to take action steps towards your highest aligned creations, projects & businesses. Grow your community & take a quantum leap in your evolution as an Embodied Goddess.

✡ Ceremony & Ritual

✡ Respect to the Native Land

✡ Feminine Leadership & Entrepreneurship

✡ Embodiment Practices

✡ Sacred Sexuality and Sensuality

✡ Healing with Nature & Crafting

✡ Live Music, Djs & Prayerformance Art

✡ Breathwork & Yoga

✡ Sisterhood, Diversity & Inclusivity

June 7


July 13

Wild Lotus Yoga Festival