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Wisdom of the Heart Guided Meditation & Healing

Releasing Cellular Imprints

During this transformative journey, we will navigate through the layers of our being to uncover the deeply embedded cellular imprints that hinder our capacity to live from a place of authenticity and unity. By bringing awareness to these imprints, we initiate a process of profound healing at the core level, allowing us to access our divine cellular blueprints.

Through meditation, visualization, and healing practices, we'll dissolve the barriers that obstruct our connection to the essence of our being, enabling us to replicate our cells from a place of purity and alignment with the universal consciousness.

Join us as we journey inward, unraveling the mysteries of our cellular makeup, and awakening to the infinite potential that resides within each of us. Let's reclaim our power to create from the purity of our hearts, in harmony with the interconnectedness of all existence.

March 23

ZIVA Breathwork: A Journey of Sound & Self

April 26

ZIVA Breathwork: A Journey of Sound & Self